City Planning Development Meeting

Toronto City Planning is holding a public meeting for two developments in the East end. Below is the information about the meetings and the developments I received in an email from Paula Fletchers office.

What: 1761 – 1763 Dundas Street East and 1400 Gerrard Street East
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

1761 – 1763 Dundas Street East is located on the south-side of Dundas Street East, southeast of the Greenwood Avenue and Dundas Street East intersection. The site is currently occupied by a two storey residential building. The applicant is seeking a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval to permit the development of a 4-storey residential building containing 23 residential units: 3 studio (13%), 9 one bedroom (39%), 6 two bedroom (26%) and 5 three bedroom units (22%). 2 vehicle parking spaces and 38 bicycle parking spaces are proposed.

1400 Gerrard Street East is located on the north side of the Gerrard Street East between Woodfield and Hiawatha. The site is currently occupied by a 2 storey commercial building with retail at grade, a residential unit above and surface parking. The applicant is seeking a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval to permit a 7-storey a mixed use, rental building with19 residential units: 6 studio (31%), 2 one bedroom (11%), 8 two bedroom (42%), 1 three bedroom unit (5%), 2 four bedroom units (11%) and two commercial units on the ground floor. 2 vehicle parking spaces and 22 bicycle parking spaces are proposed,

Architectural plans, reports and studies submitted as part of the applications are available to the public in the Application Information Centre here:
1761-1763 Dundas Street East:
1400 Gerrard Street East:

This meeting will be online and/or phone-in only. Participation instructions are provided below and on the meeting notice.

Join Online
A link to be used for joining the meeting online will be provided a minimum of two days in advance of the meeting date.

Join by Phone
The call-in number and meeting number will be provided a minimum of two days in advance of the meeting date.

Q + A
There will be a question and answer period at the end of the presentations. For those participating online, questions will need to be asked using the “Raise Hand” function, as the chat box function will not be actively monitored. For those participating by phone, please dial *3 to ask questions. Representatives from the City and the Applicant’s consultants will be available to answer questions.

To join, you are required to pre-register at

Click on the links below to see the Google Street map views;

1761-1763 Dundas Street East

1400 Gerrard Street East

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